24 comments on “Yeah, I know

  1. Happy Birthday Peter from someone who’s birthday it is today as well, I’m off to the pub with friends, enjoy.

  2. This some new variation on a humble brag? “Yeah, not a big deal to me, so I’m making a special announcement to make sure you knew it wasn’t a big deal.”

    1. When you get to Peter’s age (and mine), unless it ends in a 0 or a 5, the reaction is “it beats the alternative.”

  3. Is this post an Eeyore reference? If so I hope you got an empty honey pot with a burst balloon inside. In any case, happy birthday PAD I hope you were able to celebrated it in good company. Many happy returns!

    1. Edit:
      “…an empty honey pot with a burst balloon FOR YOU TO PUT inside…”.

      If the burst balloon was already inside the pot it wouldn’t be empty. 🙂

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