Do Democrats hate Trump?

I’ve been seeing ads and postings claiming that Trump and the GOP care about all manner of things that are important to America whereas the Democrats just hate Trump.

Yes. That’s true. We hate Trump.

We don’t hate blacks. Or Mexicans. Spaniards or Latinos. Caravans of refugees. Immigrants. People who are American because they were born here. People who need health care. People who have pre-existing conditions. Muslims. Jews. We don’t even hate Trump supporters; while they post relentless attacks on the Dems, we mostly feel sorry for them because of their blindness.

We just hate Trump.

At least we’re focused.




14 comments on “Do Democrats hate Trump?

    1. I personally go with “collection of cancerous cysts in human form”, but I agree that who he is has been obvious to anyone who does 60 seconds of research on him for decades.

    2. Yeah, I hated him before it was cool.

      And I go with “The Annoying Orange’s Rotting Racist Cousin”

  1. Yeah, we hate Trump. We hate a man who so stirs up hatred and anger that his supporters SCREAM at us for suggesting some of his “policies” might be wrong.

  2. The thing I don’t understand about racism is that hating someone for the color of their skin or their beliefs just seems like a lot of unnecessary effort when there are so many valid reasons to hate someone for the actions they take (needlessly hurting others, not cleaning up after their dog, cutting you off in traffic, parking over the lines, giving out raisins on Halloween, etc. – we all have our own lists). If you need to hate, go for the easy, practical route that lets you hate specific individuals, abstractly hating entire groups of people sounds exhausting.

    1. Actually, Racism/Sexism/(InsertClassHere)ism is a lot less work. You don’t have to come up with reasons to hate an individual, keep track of each and every one and keep it properly matched to that individual, and have to defend/validate all of them individually. You simply tether your negative emotions to an easily identifiable Other, and , everything is solved.
      (Class)ism is the Instant Drink Mix of hatred, to be enjoyed at any time.

      1. Pretty much.
        People who have actual issues with other people will usually think a moment before giving you a detailed list. But just hating a skin color or easily identifiable cultural appearance?
        “What do you mean what’s wrong. Look at him. You know what those people are like.”

    2. I agree with Charley, it’s also hard for me to understand the mindset of those bigots.
      Hatred, to me, is something very personal. Like all the other strong emotions. It’s not something I bestow on whole categories of strangers. I can understanding hating that guy that hurted you in a personal way. I can’t understand hating all (insert category here).
      But I guess that is because I’m not a very tribalist dude. I’ve always been a loner and I don’t see myself as a hardcore member of any group ready to hate the other groups.
      I can understand being wary of certain groups, though. To be completely honest, if I have any prejudices, it’s against Evangelicals. I just don’t see eye-to-eye with people who think I’m going to Hëll. But even so, I try to fight against my prejudices and tell myself that all Evangelicals can’t be blamed for the actions of the more fanatical of them, and that ignorance isn’t the same as malice. And that even the most fanatical of them have families, pets, hobbies, personality quirks, etc.
      And I certainly don’t hate individual Evangelicals I interact with in a day-to-day basis. Many of them I like a lot. I’m just wary of their influence on society as a group.

  3. PAD wrote

    “I’ve been seeing ads and postings claiming that Trump and the GOP care about all manner of things that are important to America whereas the Democrats just hate Trump.”

    Yeah. It must be so horrible for GOPers and especially Trump to have Democrats “hate Trump” when they were the absolute models of utter civility when it came to (Democratic) President Barack Obama and (Democratic) candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

    I mean, obviously, “hating” Donald Trump is so much worse than yelling “You lie!” during a Presidential State of the Union or constantly advocating “Lock her up!” during (campaign and other) rallies.

    When it comes to how I feel about Trump (and the GOP in general), “hate” barely covers it. I can think of far more graphic language that far more accurately describes my feelings. I honestly NEVER believed I could so loathe an individual with whom I’ve never personally interacted but here we are. I thought Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were sitting at the Devil’s side in the 9th circle of Hëll; at this moment, I think the Devil’s planning to abdicate as soon as Trump finally drops dead.

  4. There are two things I’ve always considered Trump to represent, ever since the first time he showed his apartment to the first group of contestants for The Apprentice. He’s the poster child for “wretched excess” and especially to Europe he represents “the Ugly American” I will never understand why anyone would vote for him unless he represents every vile feeling those voters have ever felt.

  5. ..echo…




    …boy this chamber is loud. Meybe you should try and renovate. Just a little?

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