Freak Out Friday – May 24, 2019

We know that Trump loves dictators. We know he’d actually like to be a dictator. He despises the Constitution that he swore to serve, loathes the Constitutional obligation that rests upon the legislators to supervise him, and just wants to take infinite amounts of money and spend them on whatever he wants without having to clear it with anyone else. He will do everything from shut down the government to ignore Congress in order to accomplish what he wants, and we are forced to one ineluctable conclusion: anyone who supports him simply has no clue what this country is supposed to be about.

1). BRIDGE TO NOWHERE. A month or so ago, it was proudly announced that Trump was going to be working with the Democrats to put together a multi-trillion dollar infrastructure bill. For some reason that I cannot even begin to fathom, the Democrats were stupid enough to take him at his word.

Why? Why in God’s name did they trust him? Why did they even bother to announce it? Trump never keeps his word. Ever. Whether he’s promising to remain faithful to his wife, pay someone who works for him, or be loyal to employees, Trump always violates whatever he says he’s going to do. Always. ALWAYS.

So early this week he was supposed to meet with the Democrats to discuss actually coming up with the money to pay for the plan. Did he have a plan? No, of course not. Was he prepared to discuss it? You’re kidding, right? Was he going to actually sit and reasonably discuss options with his political opponents? Are you even paying attention?

But Nancy Pelosi served him up an easy pitch and he swatted it. Before the meeting she stated that she thought Trump was engaging in a cover up. Why did she say that? Because he’s engaging in a cover up. I mean, it’s pretty obvious. Whether he’s blocking Congress’s legal attempts to get his tax records or preventing people from testifying before them, it’s clear he’s hiding stuff. Yet Trump, who gave Stormy Daniels $130K to shut her up…a man who is suing his own banks to try and prevent them from cooperating with Congress…had the nerve to claim that he doesn’t do cover ups.

So he had a three minute meeting with the Democrats which they described as a temper tantrum. He tried to refute that by claiming the he didn’t shout or raise his voice. Uh huh. Ever see a small child in a toy store lie down on the floor, fold his arms and silently refuse to budge until he gets what he wants? Right. That’s a temper tantrum. Loud voices are not required. Nor, for that matter, did Pelosi or Schumer claim he yelled. Since he shows no sign of getting tired of claiming he didn’t do stuff that he’s not accused of (“No collusion!” he shouts even though Mueller wasn’t investigating it) he naturally declared that he had not committed behavior that no one said he had. Instead he insists that he’s not going to work with the Democrats until they stop investigating him, i.e., he’s not going to start doing his job until they stop doing theirs. Which isn’t going to happen.

Oh, and he asked several of his aides to swear that he hadn’t thrown a temper tantrum. Right, right, because when you want the truth about Trump, you naturally look to Kellyanne Conway or Sarah Sanders, because they’ll answer you with unbiased honesty.

Later on Pelosi stated that Trump wanted to be impeached. Once again, she’s correct. His best chance of reelection is if he’s impeached because that’s a major rallying point for his base. He can go through the country and claim that the Democrats are far more interested in getting rid of him than they are helping the American public, and his idiot supporters will bob their heads and say “A-yup!” while they’re busy paying higher and higher prices on imported goods thanks to his idiot trade wars. And of course if the impeachment did get through the House, it would die in the Senate. One GOP senator came forward and said he thought that Trump was engaged in obstruction of justice, and naturally the rest of the GOP turned on him. There is only one person who can impeach Trump, and that’s Mitch McConnell. If he had a press conference at the beginning of a week in which he said that he’d decided he was wrong and Trump should be impeached, the articles would be passed before Friday. Pelosi is right that impeachment is a non-starter and fortunately she’s managing to convince the other Dems to follow her lead. I think she believes that if Trump is left on his own, he will self-destruct. And just today, he did something that may well rove her right.

2). THINGS THAT GO BOOM. You remember Saudi Arabia. The country that murdered a Washington Post journalist. A country that’s about as far from a Democracy as a nation can be? That’s definitely who you want to sell arms to, right?

Well, Congress didn’t. They’ve been blocking the deal.

And Trump, who fabricated a non-existent emergency to get money for his wall, announced another false emergency so he could complete twenty-two arms deals to Saudi Arabia totaling $8 billion. Both Democrats and GOP are objecting, but naturally he doesn’t give the slightest of dámņš. It doesn’t matter to him that the Saudis will likely use them to rain down death and destruction on innocent civilians in Yemen. For him it’s about money, and supporting dictators, and making money while supporting dictators. Because that’s the lunatic who is currently sitting in the Oval Office. That is the sociopathic, syphilitic áššhølë running the country.

He needs to be voted out of office. I honestly don’t give a dámņ which of the two dozen Democrats winds up going against him: you have to vote for him or her. Four more years of this and there may not be a country left.


6 comments on “Freak Out Friday – May 24, 2019

  1. And, of course, this happened.
    Trump gave his pet toady and professional ball licker sweeping unilateral declassification powers that I’m sure he’ll use with the same honesty and integrity we’ve seen from him throughout his career of lying about the crimes of Republican Presidents in order to cover their áššëš for them.
    Trump defends decision to give Barr unprecedented powers

  2. A couple of notes – it wasn’t a GOP senator who “said he thought that Trump was engaged in obstruction of justice”, it was a GOP representative. And McConnell would have nothing to do with passing articles of impeachment. The Senate votes on whether or not to convict the President based on those articles.

    1. You’re right that Justin Amash (from Michigan) is a member of the house, not the senate.
      But I think you missed Peter’s point about Mitch McConnell. A key reason why Pelosi and others are so reluctant to bring up a vote on impeachment in the house is they’re pretty sure McConnell would block a vote in the senate (and, if the senate did vote, that McConnell would make all GOP senators toe the line on voting not to convict Trump.) If McConnell were to say Trump should be impeached, Pelosi very likely would move full steam ahead on impeachment proceedings in the house.

  3. “His best chance of reelection is if he’s impeached because that’s a major rallying point for his base”
    Impeachment is irrelevant because his base has proven themselves to be a bunch of goosestepping lemmings.
    But then, that’s the problem with the Democrats, especially in the House: they don’t seem to give a šhìŧ whether they can do anything to rally their own side.

  4. “Four more years of this and there may not be a country left.”

    Hëll, who knows what’ll happen in the next year-and-a-half.

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