Talking about me again…

A few folks are taking me to task about the intro I wrote to Peter’s remembrance of Carol Kalish. Since some folks had trouble noticing it the first time (my name at the bottom, Peter being referred to in the third person) I want to make clear that I wrote it, not Peter– he was busy doing something important, taking care of his new daughter.

In an effort to keep Peter out of it, I reply to it on my own weblog. Alas, I’m sure we’ll get around to it again when I start reprinting the BID columns dealing with Enemies of Ellison

6 comments on “Talking about me again…

  1. I may not have written the intro, but I concur with it 100%. This is not like when people laid into Glenn for “hijacking” my weblog and hopping onto a political soap box. In this instance my antipathy for Groth in general, and his using a tragic death of woman whose house he’d been a guest in as simply another pretext to slam Marvel, is well documented. So I’m four square behind him on this one. Consider what he said as going double for me.


  2. Given the confusion (though it was moot in this point), maybe a reformat of the blog to show the “posted by” name at the top of the post, instead of in the footer, would be a good idea.

  3. Looking forward to the Enemies of Ellison articles. I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen them and I’d appreciate getting more information about the situation.

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