The next NEW FRONTIER novel will be finished within the week and shipped off to Pocket Books. Working title is “THE GOD CHILDREN.” Pub date isn’t set, although obviously it will be in 2003, and quite possibly before the next Harry Potter novel. This will be followed by another NEW FRONTIER hardcover, which will feature–among other things–a look back at Calhoun’s Academy days.


31 comments on “BY POPULAR REQUEST

  1. At present, both the paperback and the hardcover are tentatively scheduled for October 2003 release. (By a startling coinky-dink, the other paperback that month is one of mine — one of the six books in the STAR TREK: THE LOST ERA miniseries that will cover the “period between the generations,” as it were, after Kirk fell down the rabbit-hole in the GENERATIONS prelude but before “Encounter at Farpoint.” End plug. *grin*)


  2. Excellent, I can’t wait for this to come out!

    I hope we get to see Mac’s solution to the Kobayashi Maru… should be interesting.

  3. The reason for the delay can be summed up in one word: Apropos.

    “Sir Apropos of Nothing” was originally a one-off. But the book did so well that Pocket wanted two sequels. And the time that I had slotted in to write the next NF book (which runs about 80,000 words) was consumed with doing the need-it-sooner Apropos sequel, “Woad to Wuin,” which they needed to come out in summer of 2002. And that ran 150,000 words. So all the time I had set aside for the new NF book was taken up by a book which was twice as long.

    Only so many hours in a day.


  4. Good as New Frontiers news is, I’d still rather find out what you thought of last week’s Buffy and Angel…

  5. I wonder what Trek Characters Calhoun had in his training squad?

    hmmm… Chakotay? B’lanna Torres?

    no doubt there will be some cameo.mebbe Boothby

    i figure no Next Gen Charcaters because of the timeline.

    but PAD as Ive said many a time, Your Worf: SFA books started me in reading

  6. So many books, so little time… maybe they should clone you, Mr. D. Or maybe your daughters could take over a few of your chores.

  7. This sounds very interesting. PAD mentioned it already somewhere that Calhoun met Boothby. I am hoping to meet him again. Of course I am also hoping to learn a bit about the early history between Calhoun and Shelby, maybe also between Calhoun and Jellico.

    I am very curious to find out what other known characters Calhoun met during his Academy days and who his room mate was.

  8. That sounds absolutely great! I just finished Dark Allies, another great book, thanks PADguy! I’ll be starting up on the rest of the series. The only regrettable thing is that I’m sure once I make it to Being Human, it’s going to end with a cliffhanger and the dreaded To be continued…. UGH!

  9. About Freakin Time!!!!!!

    @#%&*ing Clifhangers.

    Now they are going to make us wait to Oct?? Won’t that be over 2 years in between books?? UGGG!!!!!

  10. Peter: The next NEW FRONTIER novel will be finished within the week and shipped off to Pocket Books

    Luigi Novi: YES!! YES!! YES!!

    Keith R.A. DeCandido: At present, both the paperback and the hardcover are tentatively scheduled for October 2003 release.

    Scott Savage: Gah! October 2003?! Ahh!! Been waiting sooo long for the next NF novel…Gah!

    Luigi Novi: WHOA!! Was Keith talking about the next Potter book, or the NF book? Peter didn’t say anything about October, and an Oct. ’03 date would seem to be consistent with what I’ve been hearing about the Potter book. I find it hard to believe that after already a year or more since Being Human, that Pocket would wait an entire other year for The God Children when they have the finished manuscript in their hands.

    Peter, can you clarify this?

    Baron: I figure no Next Gen characters because of the timeline.

    Luigi Novi: Why is this? Given Calhoun’s age, couldn’t he have possibly overlapped with Riker, Geordi, Troi, Worf, or Sisko?

  11. Luigi Novi: Why is this? Given Calhoun’s age, couldn’t he have possibly overlapped with Riker, Geordi, Troi, Worf, or Sisko?

    Since it was the Enterprise that “freed” Calhoun in the first place and sent him to the Acadamy they would be in space and not at the acadamy (except maybe Beverly Crusher during season 2 when she returned to SF to be surgeon general or whatever)

  12. Easily the best series of books in the Trek verse. Can’t wait for the new one. Gotta say, read the entire Gateway series 1-6 (just picked up 7) only for the NF storyline.

    Will someone, by the way, please turn their attention to DS9 and bring that series back to something that resembles interesting? I’m snoozin through the new stories.

  13. Keith was talking about the next NF book, yes. It is really scheduled for October 2003. Pocket’s schedule is set many months in advance, and there are many other books that are also being published. If you go to you can see the full tentative 2003 schedule.

    Also, they don’t have a manuscript yet. Peter himself said he hasn’t turned it in yet…..


  14. Actually what he sais was, “The next NEW FRONTIER novel will be finished within the week and shipped off to Pocket Books.”

    That means that they should have it with in the week after he ships it off, which would be Dec 2nd through the 6th. From there to Oct of 2003 it is around 298 days from the sixth of December to the first of October. So I’m thinking that it is close enough to a year.

    I think the reason that they do this is because they want to get us all druling over the sequil so they can possibly make more money

  15. Okay folks, ease up on the man for Heaven’s sakes! I’m sure PAD didn’t put this out there to solicit plot recommendations. Let’s keep the faith; both new NFs will be great.

    Then again….

    In the unlikely event that you DO want ideas, I’d like to humbly request more skin in Sector 221-G. (Well, um….I’ve been forced to turn to trashy romance novels in the downtime since Being Human. I’m seeking professional help….really)

    All kidding aside, thanks for the update. I’m really looking foreword to both.

  16. Keith R.A. DeCandido: Keith was talking about the next NF book, yes.

    Luigi Novi: Just out of curiosity, why are you talking about yourself in the third person? 🙂

    Keith R.A. DeCandido: It is really scheduled for October 2003.

    Luigi Novi: WHAT?? You mean it’s going to be like TWO YEARS between Being Human and its continuation? AARRRRGHGHGHGH!!

    Keith R.A. DeCandido: If you go to you can see the full tentative 2003 schedule.

    Luigi Novi: hasn’t updated their NF section since June 2002, and their information for upcoming novels in that section doesn’t go past Oct. 2001.

  17. I have to concur, Picard was captain of the Stargazer when he met Calhoun. I could be wrong and he may have just been a high ranking officer at the time. My Book One is missing from the PAD library… but it wasn’t Enterprise. So he could overlap with some folks.

  18. All I can say, is thank you for finishing it! I’ve read the entire series over and over and over (six times to be exact) since Being Human came out….Gateways three times, Double Helix three times….I will be well versed in NF lore by the time the new book is out….also, it was Picard on the Stargazer that found M’k’nzy on Xenex…with his first officer Jack Crusher…while negotiating the peace between Xenex and Danter.


  19. In regards to this news, I’d just like to add an unoriginal but heartfelt “Yes!”. As for the hardcover, it’ll be interesting to see Calhoun’s training. I pity the person who tried to teach diplomacy to the warlord of Xenex…

  20. Luigi Novi: You mean it’s going to be like TWO YEARS between Being Human and its continuation? AARRRRGHGHGHGH!!

    Really, what’s two years? It’s not uncommon at all in publishing for several years to pass between volumes of an ongoing series. Just because the Star Trek books have deviated from that norm in recent years and published successive books of a series together or within five or six months does not mean that Pocket is out to drive the New Frontier fanbase psychotic with wait. Thirteen years passed between Diane Duane’s The Romulan Way and Swordhunt. Fifteen years (or more) will pass between Ann Crispin’s Time For Yesterday and her upcoming Zar/Spock trilogy. How long have fans been clamoring for Diane Carey to revisit Piper? And a two year wait between Being Human and its conclusion is something to complain about? Sheesh.

  21. A big difference then Allyn is that the books you mentioned didn’t end with cliffhangers. Some dangling threads, but the books had an ending. Being Human dosn’t. And leaving it open two years when the work is done is VERY fustrating for a fan.

  22. “In fact, Psi Phi has the entire 2003 schedule up — you’re obviously looking in the wrong place.” If you would actually take the time to give the exact location of what you want us to see comments like this might be avoided in the future.

    Sorry people this comment was directed at Keith R.A. DeCandido. And I just noticed this when I read Luigi’s post. Why are you refering to yourself in the third person?

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