SUPERGIRL #75 is sold out from the publisher.

I very much doubt they’ll go back to press with it. And since retailers showed impressive faith in the “Return of Kara” storyline by actually *cutting* their initial orders by 2000 copies for #76 (leading me to further doubt it will ever be collected as a TPB), I suggest you get your copy early if you’re so inclined.

Supergirl79 (44k image)Glenn also has the black and white copy of the cover of #79, which he should be posting up here soon (if he hasn’t already). [All right, all right– it was left in the car, which was left at the mechanic’s after I fixed your computer. Don’t ask. It’s up now. –GH] Based on the cover art, it should sell the best of all of them…while, if the ordering pattern continues, will have the lowest numbers. Anyone interested in actually being able to read this series might be advised to let their retailer know now.


30 comments on “SUPERGIRL #75 SOLD OUT

  1. Amen. The Bat-titles continue on like God was a fan and the Super-titles continue to drop off like flies.

    I’m glad I found my copy of #75 when I did. Solid story and art. Really enjoyed it. Here’s hoping it sticks around.

  2. it’s a shame that books with great writers and artists that can actually draw continue to falter and drop.

    maybe if this book started skipping and had horrible art,it would land in the top 10

    hopefully if we keep selling out supergirl,then maybe,just maybe,the retailers will cut back on their orders for ultimate titles and order just a few more copies.

  3. Well if Supergirl ends I sure hope they give Peter David a head’s up about it, like with Young Justice. Really glad Young Justice is going to end with dignity, and in my opinion on top of the game – even if people just don’t realize it.

    Hope Supergirl doesn’t share a similar fate of cancelation and have to join the Teen Titans

  4. Doesn’t it seem a bit weird that after getting the news that Supergirl 75 sold out, people are talking cancellation?

    Hopefully news of the sell-out will get retailers to order more. And maybe this will prompt DC to reprint the whole story in a trade when it’s over.


  5. >>Doesn’t it seem a bit weird that after getting the news that Supergirl 75 sold out, people are talking cancellation?<<

    Yeah, really!! What, did I miss something??


  6. Doesn’t it seem a bit weird that after getting the news that Supergirl 75 sold out, people are talking cancellation?

    DC has never been known as logical. That’s how they might reward Supergirl. 🙁

  7. I dunno — there’s a difference between acting illogically (or, since we all have less information than TPTB at DC, “unfathomably” is probably a better word), and acting like you’re a native of Bizarro World. This could conceivably be the impetus DC needs to really begin pushing the book. It’ll take issue 76 for word of mouth to really start spreading, though — Kara has only been in the book for a few pages, so we’ve only seen the part of the book that everyone knew about. I’m looking forward to some unexpected developments now.


  8. Two Doubting Thomas questions (keep in mind, I’m a fan of the book and have every issue except for #38 and #69 (and would gladly take donations!)):

    1. In a Direct Market environment, shouldn’t every comic nearly sell out? Ignoring Marvel’s asinine policy for the moment, I wonder if the sell-out means that much to DC. An accountant may not look at this as that much more expected revenue. How much did DC overprint over initial Diamond orders?

    2. I really wanted to like the new storyline, but it’s a bit off-setting for me. The only Kara comic I read was her death scene in Crisis, so it’s not as if I have any emotional attachement to her. And didn’t we do this story before in “The Return of Barry Allen”? I’m hoping this story turns out to be a rousing success, not only because I like Peter’s work but also because, well, I’m paying for it. But I have my doubts.

    But I’m still along for the ride.

  9. >Doesn’t it seem a bit weird that after getting the news that Supergirl 75 sold out, people are talking cancellation?<

    Not really. One has to take into account that the sell-out TOOK A WHOLE MONTH to occur. SG #76 arrives in stores this week.


  10. Still, it sold out with what I’ve heard was a large overprint (although I have no numbers to back that up, so who knows?). Even if it took a month, most books don’t sell out at all.

    Plus, the orders for 76 were placed before 75 hit the stands. So, who’s to say they won’t jump again?

    Heck, they may not, I dunno. All I’m saying is that it’s seems weird that news of the sellout was met with nearly unanimous pessimism.


  11. Our sales on #75 were double what they normally are. When I saw that, I made sure to place reorders for the next issue before it came out. Weird how that works to the advantage of myself, the fans, the creators, and DC when a retailer is able to do that isn’t it? We initially underestimated the demand, so I was pleased we could get more! It will also affect our orders for #78 which we have to place in the next week.

    For anyone not reading it, give it a try. Its an easy jumping-on point and the story was excellent. Ed Benes is doing a wonderful job as the new penciler. Don’t judge it by the covers though. For some reason DC put an artist on the cover that is absolutely nothing like the wonderful art inside.

    Also, I back up PAD’s suggestion to always let your retailers know of your interest, especially if you shop in one store regularly. It’s the retailers job to order the books, not yours, but any time you guys can help us out with suggestions on what you want, it makes our jobs less based on guesses and more on fact.

  12. Peter, although I can understand your distaste for the drop in #76 orders after the rise in orders for #75, isn’t this exactly what you said about the recent Captain Marvel reboot, where orders fell on #2?

    I don’t mean to offend, and I apologize if what I say does offend, but it’s not like there’s no precedent for such an occurrance, so why the seemingly perpetual state of gloominess about your titles? So far there’s really no solid proof that Supergirl orders are on a continuous decline, and there really won’t be until the orders for #77 are announced.

    Just a little bit of optimism. Please.

  13. I have a feeling that PAD’s getting a little too close to a nervous breakdown. His comments about publishers get snippier and snippier.

    So let me ask you this, What is the solution, in your POV ?

  14. Just so you know, Peter, I just finished the lettering on Issue 78, and am anxious to see 79! I been reading your Supergirl since the beginning and it’s been great lettering it, although it sucks to have to wait several months to see the finished product! I’ve been enjoying working on this and Captain Marvel for a while now and they are one of the few comics where I read the script first before lettering to see where the story is going! Thanks for making my job fun!

  15. I enjoyed #75. I’ve been reading since the reboot way back when.

    I also agree with Richard Franklin about the covers. They just don’t do the book justice. I’m relieved that I’ve seen a few upcoming covers on-line from Ed Benes.

    Supergirl is definitely worth a read.


    Bobby Nash

    Writer @ Large

  16. >Still, it sold out with what I’ve heard was a large overprint (although I have no numbers to back that up, so who knows?). Even if it took a month, most books don’t sell out at all.<

    BATMAN #608 sold out a LOT faster and quicker, and it was initially released on the same day.

    Besides, timing IS a factor. I would imagine that lots of books sell out after a certain amount of time. The thing is, one just doesn’t hear about those numbers.

    >Plus, the orders for 76 were placed before 75 hit the stands. So, who’s to say they won’t jump again?<

    Who’s to say that they WILL once initial interest in the story arc cools down? The typical pattern is that this DOESN’T HAPPEN.


  17. Ah, Peter, I’m really sorry. I just don’t know what else to say — which usually means I blab on for the next ten minutes. 🙂

    I’ve followed Supergirl since the beginning (though admittedly, not as long as KET over there. :)), and I’ve loved every single issue. You should be dámņ proud of what you’ve accomplished with the series.

    As a retailer, I tripled my order for Supergirl (ok, granted. This meant a jump from about 8 to 24), but I sold out at the store. Plenty of files decided to pick it up at my recommendation.

    It’s outselling all of the Superman titles, all of the Vertigo titles, and most of the non-primary Bat-titles. Which isn’t to say any of them are bad, this is just how our store works I guess.

    I wish continued success to you on all your endeavors, and I am going to increase orders for Supergirl once again.

    Take care Peter.

  18. If it’s any consolation, Peter…

    I have picked up the odd issue of SUPERGIRL here or there, but have not read it regularly (it’s one of those where I’ve kept meaning to go back and start at the beginning…). But I picked up #75 and was impressed enough to add it to my monthly list. So you’ve picked up at least one regular reader!

    I’ve also been picking up CAPTAIN MARVEL since the hoopla started and recently started picking up YOUNG JUSTICE, for what that’s worth… I’d read both series at their starts, but had dropped off when I was out of comics for a year or so due to financial reasons.

    I’m enjoying all of your titles and look forward to what you do in the future. Your name on a comic (or a novel, for that matter) is almost always a guarantee of a good read, in my book.



  19. I agree that the covers haven’t meshed well with the interior art. I’ve been along since issue #1, but am enjoying the current story more than ever! Let’s hope people continue to take notice.


  20. Peter – I read Supergirl #76 this morning – great stuff. Without spoiling anything too much, I really liked the interaction between Kara and Clark and I’m thinking “Hypertime”?

  21. Hey Peter, congratulations on this issue. I’d like to encourage you, when it comes to this book, to fight with all you might to keep it going for a couple more years.

    Hey, seeing the mention of the Batbooks, well, be notified that Azrael for one is thankfully being canceled soon, and I’m hoping that Harley Quinn, assuming that it’s still running(I haven’t paid any attention to that in awhile, so what do I know) gets cancled too, because I cannot identify with a character who’s close on the Joker’s heels as a psychopath. And maybe even Legends of the Dark Knight is worth canceling, but Harley is much more, ick.

    Now returning to new series to write, hey PAD, if there’s going to be a book starring Jesse Quick in example, if you can, please try and land a job on writing it! 🙂

  22. I, like most retailers, am guilty of cutting my orders for #76. However, after #75 came out and we sold out, I was immediately able to reorder #75 and I also advance reordered #76. We sold out of #76 the day it came in (yesterday) and I immediately reordered it. My orders for #77 reflect the increased interest, so I am probably at a safe level. This is an example of how DC takes care of the retailers and Marvel doesn’t. If I had not been able to secure additional copies of #75, my orders for the following issues would probably not be as high as they are. Thank you Peter David for writing a book that I can recommend and thanks to DC for making it available after the order date.

  23. Looks to me like 76 is about to follow. I just checked and my comic store(on-line, since there’s no store around me) has only one copy left.

  24. Just thought I would throw this out for what its worth.

    Before #75 came out I told my comic retailer to start holding Supergirl for me. When #75 came out, he forgot, and of course it was sold out. I asked him how many he ordered and he said 3 copies – only for people who get it pulled.

    So I order it online.

    This week #76 came out. I go in expecting him to have pulled it. Whoops, still only ordered 3 of them – none for me again.

    Very frustrating.


  25. could someone email me what the general theme of Supergirl is about? I’ve hardly ever read any super-books, but I’ve always been a little interested in supergirl, since it doesn’t seem to be a natural choice for PAD (like Hulk, Cap Marv, etc). I don’t need to know plotlines or whatever, just the general theme and focus. thanks

  26. Peter, I hope you’re reading this, but, I saw on another message board that someone was arguing that the 76th issue may not have sold well because the cover art is lousy. Not to criticize you, but I find it very hard to understand why if one wants the book to sell better that you’d want to employ such lousy cover art. Could that be the reason for the drop in rankings? What do you think?

    I sure hope you’re reading this, Peter, because I’m hoping I can help you decide what the best things are to do, and I’m hoping it can give you some clues as to how you can help improve sales for Supergirl. And we all want sales to be as good as possible and for people to read it, don’t we? Maybe the topic could be discussed in a new entry in the coming weeks!

  27. Hey Avi, would that other poster have been me? 🙂

    AFAIK it’s not up to PAD who gets to draw the covers, it’s down to TPTB. I guess some people like the stlye employed by Haynes. Me? I hate it and do not think it is a good fit for Supergirl. As I said elsewhere, were I not a monthly reader it would not inspire me to pick up the issue from the racks.

    Thankfully it looks like Benes will be taking over the cover duties soon and normal business will resume 😉


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