4 comments on “Elsewhere on the web…

  1. Great interview! On the SIR APROPOS front, I loved the book so much, I bought it for a friend’s birthday. He read it and loved it. Got WOAD TO WUIN for my birthday and told him to run out and get it, too. Don’t be so humble, you can walk the walk.


  2. Interesting interview, but way too short for my taste.

    For example: when the writer of stuff isn’t working on his own material, what does he like to read?

  3. Does anybody else find the irony that the interview was done on moviepoopshoot.com, a Kevin Smith-related website? Hasn’t Kevin Smith expressed a dislike of PAD’s work in the past?

  4. To actually hear Peter’s 85-minute interview on the September 20th broadcast of Destinies-The Voice of Science Fiction, in which he discusses, in “Graphic Detail,” Captain Marvel, Supergirl, Young Justice, Soulsearchers and Co., The Woad to Wuin, Knight Life, The Hulk novelization, his play, and his upcoming new offspring, go to http://www.live365.com/stations/289041.

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