15 comments on “More coverage for FNSM #20

  1. Wow, nice write up!

    So the secret is to feature someone who, while not prehaps a household name, is someone who has a solid reputation among folks who probably feel that their sport or whatever does not get very much attention. I know that wasn’t your intention but given how it all worked out…maybe X-Factor should just happen to run into 2006 Bass Angler of the year Mike Iaconelli…

  2. I, for one, like the “Tribute To Leah” in the latest Spider-Man. I knew the original and wished I could’ve told her goodbye. Thanks to you and Colleen, who draws very much like Leah did (or vice versa).

  3. Matt Fiorito has been writing the bowling column for the Detroit Free Press for a long time, probably well over 20 years.

    Congrats on the coverage.

  4. You know, a thank you would be nice. I’m the person who put the bug in Mr. Fiorito’s ear regarding FNSM. PAD emailed me about this issue. He told me that he would give me a heads up when it hit the bookstands. It was my brother, a huge comic collector, that told me that it had been released. PAD asked if USBC would be interested in doing a story on it. I told him that “ESPN doesn’t broadcast anything that isn’t discussed the night before”. I called USBC PR person Mark Miller and suggested the story idea. Even though there were a couple of mistakes, Jerry Schnieder wrote the story for USBC. In my 12 plus years of covering the PBA, this is one of those rare opportunities that allows me to be a bowling journalist and a comic fan at the same time. Now, if only we can get The Hulk to smash Cardinals’ fan Pete Weber while wearing a Detroit Tigers hat, that would be cool.


    Darrin Hill
    Motor City Bowling News

  5. The true ballfighter knows that her ball must be an extension o’ her own self; aye, an’ even as much a part o’ her as the fingers which hold it tight-on from within its holes; those holes drilled with the care of the artisan, the artisan who crafted the ball with the love an’ respect due a weapon which’d be a master’s.
    An’ it’s a poor excuse f’r a ballfighter who seeks her Art by just up an’ heavin’ the ball like a hot iron from the hand.
    The eye becomes the hand; the hand becomes the ball; the ball in flight becomes as the lane on which it rolls; none as’d be a ballfighter’d throw away such a part of her as the ball must need be, sai.

    Such a wight is na’ a ballfighter; such a gutterin’ prat has forgotten the face of her pinsetter.

  6. Well, Alex, if I stop writing “Gunslinger,” I’ll put in a word for you.


  7. note to self: Bring bowling ball rather than comic for signature at next signing.

    Congrats on the 800 series and the article.


  8. “You know, a thank you would be nice. I’m the person who put the bug in Mr. Fiorito’s ear regarding FNSM.”

    Absolutely props to you, Darrin. You’ve been a big supporter of the issue. Only reason I didn’t give you a heads up when the issue hit the stands was that I suck at keeping track of e-mail addresses, so I didn’t have yours handy.


  9. Right back at ya’ PAD. It might be alittle late, but my only remaining question: How come you have gotten any props from the PBA Tour????? Guess I’m gonna have to take my fanboy cap off and slap on my bowling journalist hat and shake some trees. I’m sending them an email right now. I’ll get to the bottom of this.


    Darrin Hill
    Motor City Bowling News

  10. “Right back at ya’ PAD. It might be alittle late, but my only remaining question: How come you have gotten any props from the PBA Tour?????”

    Darrin, the story’s already gotten far more exposure and notice than I could possibly have hoped. The PBA site did pick up the bowl.com, so that’s something.


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