Yes, I Will Be Continuing the Super Bowl Live Blogging Tradition

There was a slim chance this year that I might give a dámņ about the outcome of the Super Bowl, and then the Jets lost and I’m back to not particularly caring. (Not that I’m especially a Jets fan, or even a football fan, but I have plenty of friends who are, and I wanted to see them happy.)

But, as always, I will be doing running commentary on the commercials, which are typically the most interesting part of the game.

Feel free to cook up some nachos and join me tomorrow.


23 comments on “Yes, I Will Be Continuing the Super Bowl Live Blogging Tradition

    1. Well, of the two teams that I don’t care about, I don’t care about the Colts even more because they beat the Jets. Is that good enough?

      1. PAD, with all due respect, I hate to post this here but I thought you’d be interested in knowing that Cap’s director says in order to justify the red, white and blue uniform Steve Rogers will be a USO performer (he’ll be singing and dancing).

        What are your thoughts about this spin?

        Here’s the link:

      2. “I think it’s fixing something that wasn’t broken.”

        I totally agree.

        Thanks for commenting and I apologize for posting the link in this thread about the SuperBowl.

      3. Spider-Man made it simple, it was a costume he wore to the wrestling match. Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man explained it super quick by putting something in the newspaper ad requiring that entrants be “colorful.”
        This article makes it sound like they’re making a huge deal out of the costume in the Captain America movie. So the basic philosophy is, “We’re going to fix this minor blemish that barely anyone notices by shining a gigantic spotlight on it.”
        Still, I do get a slight ring of truth from it. After John Glenn became incredibly popular, NASA refused to let him go up into space anymore. They felt he was more useful in ticker-tape parades and didn’t want to risk their hero. So the idea that Cap is one-of-a-kind and the military wouldn’t risk him doesn’t seem to unreasonable.
        It still sounds like they’re over thinking the costume issue, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see how the story turns out.

      4. PAD said:
        “Well, of the two teams that I don’t care about, I don’t care about the Colts even more because they beat the Jets.”
        Auditioning for a writing gig for Groo? 😉

      5. “Still, I do get a slight ring of truth from it. After John Glenn became incredibly popular, NASA refused to let him go up into space anymore. They felt he was more useful in ticker-tape parades and didn’t want to risk their hero. So the idea that Cap is one-of-a-kind and the military wouldn’t risk him doesn’t seem to unreasonable.”

        Jason: You make an excellent counter-point with Glenn.

        All I can say is that within the context – the real fear of Hilter’s expanding influence (even in the States), the rise of the Red Skull and his morale damaging image – like Stern addressed in his Cap run (with Byrne) – Steve was placed (although it’s hinted the Army wanted to use him in another way) as a very visible symbol (Roosevelt’s decision?) against the Nazis, being a super-soldier both physically and emotionally that could help win the war and rally the troops.

        The spin of placing him in the USO and him ‘finding his way’ is IMHO cheesy to almost disappointing. And I don’t want to denigrate the USO and the fine help it gave (still gives) to vets of all wars.

      6. Hey, at least the Jets beat the Chargers. Granted, had the Chargers at least shown up for the game it might have been more interesting. I still can’t get over the three missed field goals by Kaeding…

    1. .
      I think I saw something the other day that said that Hulu would have them all up for streaming.

      1. Doesn’t help Hulu doesn’t work outside the US which is why I can’t see the commercials in the first place

  1. Oh, yeah, Evil Twin, whinge about how the Jets got beat! Imagine how I feel, I’m a Titans fan, we didn’t get nearly as far as the Jets did! At least your guys got to the playoffs!

    For my part, I always support the underdog team, so I’ll be screaming “WHO DAT!” all through the game. I cheered for the Twins, the Red Sox, and the Miracle Mets. Different year, different sport, same attitude.

    1. Considering my indifference for the sport and the teams involved, including the Jets, drips from every syllable, I think you have to go a long way to claim that my thoughts on the matter are “whinging.”

      1. Several million parsecs, yeah. Brother, I know you could care less about the sport. I’ve gotten into it out of boredom. You’re the one of us who wound up with the literary talent. I can barely compose a coherent sentence.

  2. I am proud of the fact that I have never watched a Super Bowl in my life.

    But I won’t critisise you for doing so.

    1. Mary,

      I don’t post much, mainly because I figure I can’t add too much more to the conversation than what most of the other guys and gals already do.

      And I know that sometimes sci-fi and comic fans are portrayed as not being very sports-minded.


      Never watched a Super Bowl? Never? Not once? Not even for the commercials? Did you never stumble into a Super Bowl Party and happen to catch a few plays while grabbing a chicken wing?

      My favorite team haven’t sniffed the playoffs in 10 years or so and I watched all my “Playoff favorites” get picked off by the Saints each week. So even though I should hate them, I dámņ sure have to respect them and I might just be rooting for them to stick it to the Colts (mainly so my co-worker can’t gloat come Monday morning). Why am I telling you all this?

      Because you’re missing out on the DRAMA! For goodness sakes, woman (and I assume you’re a woman from your name), pick a team, watch the Super Bowl, watch the commercials, and grab a chicken wing or 12!


      Or, you know, don’t. It’s cool.

      1. Well, I once had a couple of family members over and they watched the game. I spent most of the time reading in another room, but I did come in and see a few of the commercials. The only one I remember is a 2001: A Space Odyssey ad that Apple did. And I did watched the premier of Family Guy afterwards. (I wasn’t much impressed, but the show did improve a lot over the first two seasons.)

  3. I don’t watch the Super Bowl either. Not a sports fan. The commericals are cool, but not enough to get me to watch. That said, I will definitly check back here later in the night to see what PAD wrote about them. Thats much more interesting than the game or comericals even.

    My plans for tomorrow: I’m going to watching the Smallville 2hr. “Absolute Justice” which I recorded on Friday (hope its cool). Also going to watch Medium from Friday On Demand.

    ” Thank goodness for dvds & on demand. Of course, there’s always video games too.”

  4. I only ever watched the Superbowl for the commercials (to the point where I more than once taped the whole dámņ thing to fast-forward through the game itself). With the advent of them being online, now I don’t even do that much…
    But have fun, everyone who does! And I hope your team wins, whichever team it is!

  5. I’m rooting for the Saints if for no other reason then the great city of New Orleans needs a break, after it was nearly destroyed by Hurricane Dubya.

  6. Sadly, I don’t watch football, mainly because I’m usually at work when they air the games via satellite on cable TV here in the Philippines. What *did* amuse me though about the recently concluded Super Bowl is that quite a number of comic book fans on the Net have been rooting for the Saints primarily because they are from New Orleans, which is Gambit’s home city. Oh my goodness! It must have worked because the Saints won! XD

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