27 comments on “Why I love the internet, Part II

  1. My first thought was that here it was possible you were being a little unfair, as perhaps there was another Peter David. However James Patterson’s website indicates you are being confused on Amazon with someone named Maxine Pietro.

    I think a comic book fan is having a little fun.

  2. Well, you could always be co-writing Diane Duane’s new book, and married to James Patterson…

  3. May you’re really Peter Maximum! Or Maxine Peters.

    Diane David?

    Peter Patterson?

    Duck Twacey?

    Do you get residuals if people only THINK you’re a c0-author?

  4. May you’re really Peter Maximum! Or Maxine Peters.

    Diane David?

    Peter Patterson?

    Duck Twacey?

    Do you get residuals if people only THINK you’re a c0-author?

  5. May you’re really Peter Maximum! Or Maxine Peters.

    Diane David?

    Peter Patterson?

    Duck Twacey?

    Do you get residuals if people only THINK you’re a c0-author?

  6. Peter, note the lower case–that tells me it’s just some schmuck on the internet sending in spam corrections to Amazon via their “submit corrections” form, rather than any purposeful misrepresentation by the publisher or Amazon. Not all of those changes can be checked by hand at Amazon and sometimes fake or false ones sneak in.

    I deal daily with Amazon on such matters for the publishing company I work for, and I have sent in a request to have your name removed from that page. Should disappear by the weekend.

  7. 🙂 I think that if we wanted them, we should all be able to have T-shirts that say:

    I’M NOT …

    (and then come the checkboxes…)

    [ x] MARRIED TO
    [ ] (etc)


    I can do a design for CafePress and put it up in the morning for those who’d be amused. 🙂

  8. I knew this would happen!

    Peter’s finally written so many books in a year that he forgot that he even co-wrote one completely!

  9. Peter’s collaboration with John Grisham could be Ordering Chinese For Christmas.

  10. He can’t be married to Jo Duffy. We all know he’s married to some woman named Chris Claremont

  11. Yeah, and just after Chris divorced John Byrne over that affair he had with Kim DeMulder.

  12. On the “Amazon isn’t perfect” note, I was at a book signing several years ago for Robert Crais, who I know Peter’s familiar with and some of you may know as well. Anyway, he told a quick story about why he no longer tells anybody working titles until he’s settled on a final one — they linger on in the virtual world. He said something like “they’re listed on Amazon, and they have *rankings*.”

    Naturally, being a wise-ášš by genetic hard-wiring, I immediately asked, “I hate to ask this … but how high are they ranked compared to your ACTUAL books?”

    Fortunately, I’d met him enough times previously that he took it in the spirit in which it was meant, but I think a few of the other audience members were a bit shocked. 🙂


  13. Y’know, judging by how I get when I’m writing 1 movie and 1 comic book, I always pictured you as never sleeping at all. Now I’m going to have to alter that image to never sleeping at all and being fully ambidextrous and writing with one hand, bowling with another, and dictating into two seperate recorders.


  14. Well, the “life imitates art” principle is finally catching up, in spectacular fashion, with the man responsible for the “Merging Tracks” portion of Q-Squared.

    Now, if I could just figure out where the dámņëd music is coming from…

    -Rex Hondo-

  15. Hey PAD, since you and James are clearly tight and all, when will he be letting you crank out an Alex Cross book? 😉

  16. hey guys.

    amidst all this talk of who’s who i’ve lost track.

    who the hëll am i again?

  17. hey guys.

    amidst all this talk of who’s who i’ve lost track.

    who the hëll am i again?

  18. hey guys.

    amidst all this talk of who’s who i’ve lost track.

    who the hëll am i again?

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