David Honigsberg

The chances are that you don’t know him. David was a writer, musician and rabbi, husband to Alexandra, in perfectly good physical shape and not all that old.

And just like that, he had a massive heart attack and now he’s gone.

Some days you’re just left shaking your head and asking “Why?”


19 comments on “David Honigsberg

  1. PAD,

    No, I didn’t know him. But I extend my condolences to his family and friends. It’s always a shock when something like that happens. Ten years ago this month, a co-worker died of an aneurysm. She was only 37.


  2. I did know David. He was the Rabbi at the wedding of two of my best friends. He’s what I call a “Con Friend”… one of those people you see at cons and you just pick up right where you left off.

    He was a good, good man. The world is diminished.

    My sympathies to his family and friends.

  3. Too many good people around us all seem to go to soon. Our condolences to you and his family.

  4. Ðámņ! I only met David a handful of times, but we always had good conversations and it was always obvious that he was a great guy. There’s no way this should have happened to him.

    My condolences to Alexandra and the rest of his loved ones.

    I have to make some calls now. Ðámņ!


  5. hi!
    first, my condolences to you and his family.
    i’m so sorry to what happened.
    Well, you can see my english is poor, because im from spain and the next week i go to new york city.
    And i have one ilusion, visit the marvel’s and dc’s offices.
    is posible? i can? how i can?
    i can’t find the email address to contact with them, someone know that?
    thanks for all
    kisses from spain

  6. Hello PAD.
    This is kind of creepy. My grandmother’s 2nd husband just died yesterday from an aneurysm and then a fatal heart attack just hours later. My condolences to anyone who has gone through something like this.

  7. What a small world. He and I are (were) in grad school together. They haven’t sent out any announcements yet, so this is the first I’ve heard of it. We weren’t close, and didn’t have any classes together, but I’d see him around all the time. Barukh dayan ha-emet.*

    * The traditional Hebrew phrase recited by Jews on hearing terrible news, meaning Blessed is the Judge of Truth.

  8. I didn’t know him very well, seeing him only at a con or two a year. But yeah; he was a good one. Entertaining musician, good writer, great conversationalist and raconteur, full of light–and a true mensch.

    There’s a memorial web log, along with a help fund for his family, set up at http://www.davidhonigsberg.blogspot.com/ , just so you know.

  9. My uncle died recently in a very similar way. I’d never thought about him dying before the day it happened. My good wishes and sympathy go out to everyone touched by this loss.

  10. This is truly unexpected and tragic. Just a week ago, I had received an e-vite for David’s concert at the Pussycat Lounge in NYC which was supposed to be this coming Thursday, March 29th. He was a talented and decent man. My condolences to Alexandra, and his family and friends.

  11. Sorry to hear that. I’ll say a prayer for him, his family, and friends. Peace.

  12. I knew David just enough to miss him and wish I knew him better. He was a great guy. I mourn your loss and Alexandra’s tragic loss and wish you peace, and envy your closeness with him.

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