Comments on the latest BSG below…

Baltar’s trial resolves in pretty much the expected verdict, but not exactly in the way that I was anticipating. Basically I figured we’d see Lee Adama give an impassioned speech that would sway the five judges, or at least enough of them, to acquit, but I figured it would be part of a summary rather than putting him on the stand and grilling him. Easily Apollo’s best scene in…well, months, I think. Possibly ever. And the notion of Baltar being positioned as a reluctant religious figure who, if they play this right, could rival the dying-again Roslyn for influence is particularly intriguing.

But let’s move to the two big moments:

Are Sam, Saul, the chief, and what’s-her-name, Laura’s new assistant who’s barely made any sort of impression on me until last week, REALLY four of the remaining Cylons? As revelations go it’s not quite up there with my theory that Roslyn was a Cylon, which would really have been a mindbender (not to mention would have neatly explained why Hera’s fetal blood cured her) but it’s an intriguing reveal. I mean, yes, it could just be a massive mindfrak, but I’m leaning toward yeah, this is genuine. The fact that we have to wait until next freakin’ year is no end of irritating.

As for the big reveal at the end (and props to the actress for selling the whole “Yup, I’m gone” concept in interviews), I simply submit what I wrote last week about the subject:

“Have we seen the last of Kara? I wouldn’t bet on it. First of all, blondes named Kara have a habit of coming back. Trust me on that. Second, there’s two obvious outs: Number one, she was seen eyeing what had to be the eject lever. She could have blown the hatch and ejected before the destruction, and with zero visibility and the DRADIS nonfunctional, Lee wouldn’t have known. So she could still be alive. Number two, between all her talk of not being afraid of the other side, and the five unknown Cylons dwelling in a sort of between-death void, it leaves open the notion that she’s one of the five remaining.”

Do they *really* arrive on Earth next season? I’m guessing not. But if they do, I’m betting that it’ll be of higher quality than when the original BSG crew made earthside. Personally I wouldn’t mind a scene of Adama or even Tigh standing in front of a shattered Statue of Liberty growling, “You maniacs…you blew it up!”



  1. The trial bugged me for the same reason that the end of season 2 bugged me. No one has yet to figure out that Baltar provided the Nuke that blew up the Rising Star. With out that event, the Cylons never would have found New Caprica. No one took inventory of the ships remaining nukes since the explosion? I thought that Gada or the Chief would have figured it out and brought it up at the trial.

  2. That I actually can explain quickly: At the end of season 2, it was mentioned that the theory was that someone STOLE the nuke from Baltar (remember, we was given it to test who might be a cylon), so unless he confessed it while drugged, they’d have no idea about it. I mean no one would think that even Baltar was that evil or stupid.

  3. What I find interesting is that the group of 7 Cylons we have been dealing with since the beginning of the series never met the original 5.

    My money was on Doc Cottle being a cylon. When Lucy Lawless’ character “saw” the final five, my mind raced back to that confrontation she had with Cottle outside that MASH styled O.R.

    I recall listening to the Ron Moores’ pod cast from the season one final episode and how he wanted Jimi Hendrix playing in the background, and then have Dirk Benidict introduce himself as God. I wonder if Dirk will become a regular next season.

    As for when they find Earth, I’ll lay my money on 6000 years ago.

  4. That crazy music I hated just hearing parts of it for the better part of two epoides but when I heard it out load and all together I honestly wanted to listen to it more than hear our character speak. Something crazy and additive about it.

  5. The cylons are robots, AI’s, created by the humans. They in turn created the skin jobs. There was no reason for them to have just 12 models, and actually that’s a real disadvantage for infiltration, so the 12 models have to have significance. My guess is that the 12 are actually the Olympian gods, and that the original AI of the cylons recreated archtypes ala Joseph Campbell that are written into the DNA of the humans they were imitating. That’s why all of this has happened before. (Someone else also came up with a theory that the “happened before” was the siege of Troy, and along the lines of the Aneid that would mean that landing on Earth is similar to the founding of Rome.)

    Along those lines, the probable matches are:
    1) Zeus – Cavil – Oldest of the Cylons (also possibly Tigh – Tigh has one eye, which ties in with Odin who corresponds with Zeus, and he is one of the final 5…)
    2) Hera – confusing, since there is now a human/cylon named Hera…
    3) Poseidon – likely Tigh, who is a fleet officer, and second to Adama (Poseidon is second to Zeus, or if not, Cavil)
    4) Demeter – could be number 3, or Tory.
    5) Athene – Number 3, obviously. One is named Athena.
    6) Hephaistos – Tyrol – engineer, has marital problems, bad temper.
    7) Ares – Number 5 – he’s always militant
    8) Aphrodite – Number 6, also really obvious
    9) Apollo – Possibly Leoben, which makes things
    interesting for Starbuck (with 2 Apollos…)… possibly Simon.
    10) Artemis – could be 3, or could be Starbuck – Starbuck fits best, making her the last of the 5
    11) Hermes – Anders – athletic and good looking
    12) Dionysos – probably Leoben – he’s in love with a mortal (which would rule out Starbuck), and is a trickster
    There is also Hestia – who could be Tory or 3 (Hestia leaves Olympus.)

  6. Was I alone in getting a John Carpenter’s The Thing vibe during the big reveal. Those that stirred up the most trouble during the occupation turned out to be Cylons, not at all unlike The Thing, wherein those that fostered fear and mistrust of others turned out to be the thing itself.

    2008 seems a long way away at this moment.

  7. I won’t weigh in at this point over who is, or isn’t, a Cylon (although I always had my suspicions about Bob Dylan, frankly). But I’ll tell you the BIG identity reveal of the season finale that everyone seems to have missed…

    Remember when Romo Lampkin bids his farewells to Lee and walks off the Galactica… having left his cane behind, sitting in a quiet corner of the corridor?

    That’s pretty much the exact ending of the 1947 holiday classic, MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET, where Maureen O’Hara, John Payne and Natalie Wood find Edmund Gwenn’s cane left in a corner of Natalie’s “dream house.”

    The conclusion is unmistakable…


  8. PAD said “The fact that we have to wait until next freakin’ year is no end of irritating.”

    That’s karma for you.

    Re: The Watchtower Four….Doesn’t anyone think its a bit too coincidental that such a high number of skin jobs ended up on Galactica? And Roslyn as a skin job? She was the Secretary of Education before the attacks. Why would they have done that? I think these are all big red herrings.

  9. Hi, I really think that we are loosing the historical point of view.

    Let´s think about earth as the 13th colony, about a group of people that travelled more than 400 hundred years ago to a planet in the outher ring of the galaxy.
    Is it possible that they didn´t grew so much in number, and settled something like a continent?
    Is it possible that in the fourth or fifht season that continent, the cylons and the galactica started an armed war that ends with the destruction of the cylons, the inhabilitation of most of the ships, and a continent drifting to the south?
    Let´s call it (guessing) atlantis? Wasn´t Platothe first greek who spoke about atlantis?
    And aren´t names in Galactica´s universe greek?

    Could they be the starting point for a whole civilization, as that theory that says that all “losts” ciences were developed by ancient civilizations, thousends of years old, but with a core of knowledge super advanced for their time?

    I think that it could be very interesting to see that, along with the notion that “all that has happened before will happen again”, it´s like sci-fi meeting Charles Berlitz.

    Anyway thank´s for reading, and excuse me for my poor english!

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