15 comments on “TV interview

  1. Good job! And the guy that talked to you did a fair job, too… great, compared to most local new folks talking to people like you.

    Man, they really pushed the Hulk thing in the image cuts, didn’t they? You’ve done lots of mainstream characters that would have worked there as well, not to mention Star Trek.

  2. I’m a big fan of your work, and I was very excited to hear you were coming to Maine. I hope you had a good reception; if you ever get a chance to be here again, I’ll do my best to be part of the welcoming committee. Thank you for the link to the interview. 🙂

  3. That was a pretty good interview. I cringe any time I hear that a comics professional (or a video game professional) is being interviewed by someone more mainstream. You never know if it’s going to be a good interview or one where they ask inane questions that show they don’t know the industry and didn’t bother to do enough research to ask decent questions.

    This guy didn’t come off like a comics geek, but he seemed prepared enough. That’s very appreciated.

    Oh, and you did a good job, too, Peter. 🙂

  4. As a Mainer, I have to back up all the positive things said about the interviewer (WCSH’s Rob Caldwell). He and most all of the WCSH on air talent is very good, whereas most local broadcasters in the rest of the country tend to be utter tools.

    I think it may have something to do with the fact most of the WCSH regulars are local people with local roots. There are very few, if any, of the “gypsies” that plague the business, moving from station to station, city to city that hope to move up the chain to larger and larger markets and maybe even to the network level.

    They are allowed to be themselves and less of a manufactured cookie-cutter “personality”. (Can you tell I’m a loyal viewer of WCSH news?) Not too bad an online presence at that.

    But the real news is that I missed out on Peter being here in Maine… Crap.!

    (Ah well, it’s a 1 1/2 hour drive to Portland for me, so I probably wouldn’t have been able to make the signing anyway)

  5. Hey Mr.David,

    My name is David Arroyo and i host a podcast called Comic Makers. I will be doing audio interviews for Comic Book Resources and i was wondering if it were possible to do a quick audio interview with you while at the con. I know you are very busy but i will be brief and i am willing to work around your shedule.

    Please let me know if this is possible.

    David Arroyo

  6. Peter,

    Two Things I loved about that interview:

    1) Your thoughts on story. Writer for writer, dollar for dollar, book for book– YOU always follow through and deliver the quality you stated you strive for.

    2) The end of the interview plug. Slipped in like a “Master”.

    Congrats on your continued success. Couldn’t have happened to a more talented guy.

  7. Great interview. As always I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the creative process.

    I will have to say though that the ad they play before the interview is kind of creepy. That is the most unnerving furniture salesman ever.

  8. Good interview, Peter. I didn’t know that meeting King was a seminal moment in your road to becoming a writer.

    But I have a question. If Robin Furth is such an authority on the series that she can plot the book, why can’t she script it? For that matter, why couldn’t you do both? (Not that I’m complaining that you’re on the book, of course….)

  9. This has nothing to do with the “207” interview, but I wanted to comment on what is was like for a tongue-tied fan to meet one of his favorite writers. It was kind of like when Ralphie meets Santa in Jean Shepherd’s “A Christmas Story.” All of the sudden, it seemed that everything I was saying was incoherrent, embarrassing, or both. I was Lt. Barclay. Thank you for being patient and gracious in return. I was so glad to meet you, and at the risk of being too sentimental, it made this frigid Maine winter a bit warmer.

  10. Groovy interview.

    As a native Mainer now living in NY, it’s nice to see a comic-book hero being treated so respectfully by the media folks “Back Home”

    Or, in my native language

    “Ayuh! That was wicked sharp there chummy!”

    Stay Groovy! – Looking forward to seeing you at the NY Comi-Con!

    Mike “Shaggy” G.

  11. Groovy interview.

    As a native Mainer now living in NY, it’s nice to see a comic-book hero being treated so respectfully by the media folks “Back Home”

    Or, in my native language

    “Ayuh! That was wicked sharp there chummy!”

    Stay Groovy! – Looking forward to seeing you at the NY Comi-Con!

    Mike “Shaggy” G.

  12. Groovy interview.

    As a native Mainer now living in NY, it’s nice to see a comic-book hero being treated so respectfully by the media folks “Back Home”

    Or, in my native language

    “Ayuh! That was wicked sharp there chummy!”

    Stay Groovy! – Looking forward to seeing you at the NY Comi-Con!

    Mike “Shaggy” G.

  13. Great interview. I’ll definately be checking out those comics as I’m currently reading the Dark Tower series.

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