In case anyone’s interested…

In case anyone’s interested, below is a link to a podcast I did on a show called “Play or Die” (a title that reminds me of the Eddie Izzard routine “Cake or Death”: “Cake or death?!” “Uhm…cake.” “You! Cake or death!” “Cake.” “Cake or death!” “Death!” “Really? Hmm…no one’s ever chosen death before. Are you sure you wouldn’t like some cake?”)

13 comments on “In case anyone’s interested…

  1. I just listened to the interview. Loved it. Two questions though:

    What was the cadmium yellow a reference to? I got everything up to the “World Without Legs” comment, and everything, but I maybe think I missed some contextual setup as far as the cadmium yellow thing. (I know what cadmium yellow is, mind you, I just didn’t understand its context in relation to Scarlet Witch, et al.)

    What program did this podcast play on on my computer? I know it’s an odd question (“What the hëll do I know about your computer, Luigi?”), but I couldn’t find out where it was coming from. It wasn’t playing on my browser, it didn’t open Quicktime or Windows Media Player, (according to my Finder, those programs weren’t even open), and when I then figured it was playing on iTunes, which was open, I clicked on it, and saw nothing, even when I clicked on the “Podcast” function. Just curious.

  2. Very nice interview.

    Luigi, the Cadmium Yellow thing is a reference to a recent interview on with Marvel Editor in Chief, Joe Quesada. He’s recently made the point that internet fans sometimes don’t notice they’re missing something for years, then raise hëll when an interview brings it up. So in this interview, they asked Joe if anything had been banned recently and he said that a particular shade of yellow was now being discouraged at Marvel. Some people spotted it as a joke, some people believed him.

    I actually thought the Cadmium yellow thing might be real. Not so much that I defended it when people started saying it was a joke, but enough so that I was fooled right when Joe Quesada said it.

    After all, have you ever heard Steven Spielberg talk about the superiority of film over digital cameras? He says that film is “alive with grain.” Of course, you can slap a grain filter over good digital video and nobody alive can tell the difference, but he still talks about how great real film is. The cadmium yellow thing sounded no less reasonable than that.

  3. Thanks again for doing the show with us, Peter! We had a great time and hope to have you back on whenever you’ve got new stuff to talk to us about!

    -Lucas Siegel aka The Geek

  4. PAD does good interviews. Glad that he’s been turned on to Scrubs. (That show makes the world a better place.) Also looking forward to the Hulk one-shot.

  5. I want to talk to Mr. David, for various reasons. I am NOT a fan -Mr. David is leery of ‘fans’- but an admirer of his work. I want to -friendly- confront him on his work about ‘DIPLOMATIC IMPLAUSIBILITY’ and also about his stance about the NEW FRONTIER, and how to get his origional works about the ‘First Knight’ to GET to the hick-town I live in!!! I mean,… I want to hear ’bout ‘Imzade Forever’ !!!

  6. Well…if anyone still doubted that PAD was actually a cool person, I think the Eddie Izzard pretty much puts those to rest for good.


  7. I always love hearing PAD give interviews. I just load the podcast up and listen while I do dumb things like try to tie a tie and “look professional.” The only problem I have, as an insane Iron Man fan… Oh no you didn’. Iron Man’s KO’d the Hulk before, even pre-Hulkbuster! Though maybe the Hulk is more powerful right now, I don’t know… But it wouldn’t be a one-sided fight, regardless. Especially considering how powerful is Iron Man with his Extremis upgrade.

  8. Sure, but Stark can only affect technology with that, right?

    By the way, that idea of there being no female Borg really IS dumb. “Resistance is futile. You will be assimiliated…if you have a dìçk. If you’re female you’re safe, ’cause we don’t want no PMS in our collective mind.”


  9. Sorry to (again) be making a comment that has nothing to do with the subject, but I just got a copy of Star Trek Starship Creator: Warp II, and found that PAD wrote 3 of the missions for the game; cool! 🙂

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