Shout out to Sam in Cambridge

It is my understanding from one of my sources (which are legion) that a gentleman named Sam, a board frequenter who lives in the Cambridge area, is going through a rough time because his Dad has had a stroke. Obviously there’s nothing of a practical nature that I or anyone hereabouts can do, but I do extend my hopes to Sam for his father’s speedy recovery.


22 comments on “Shout out to Sam in Cambridge

  1. Sam–I know what it’s like, and all the best to you and your dad. Just make sure while you’re taking care of him, make sure you take care of yourself, too.

  2. I’ll echo Sean’s statement. Sorry to hear about your pop. You can be a great support for your dad, especially if you’re mindful of your own self-care.

  3. Given that I lost my own father on 10/29/06 due to a myocardio infarction, I can more than sympathize. It still hurts and I miss my father greatly.

    My sympathies to Sam.

  4. Sam, I am so sorry to hear about your father’s stroke. I devoutly hope and pray that his recovery will be swift and as complete as possible.

    Don’t forget to take care of yourself as well as your father. You’re only human, after all.

    Bill Myers

  5. Best wishes. One of the hard parts will be dealing with the frustration that both of you will have in not becoming instantly well.

  6. Paul Anthony Llossas, you have my sincerest condolences. The loss of a parent is one of the saddest and most difficult losses to suffer. May you draw strength from those around you and from God (if you believe in God — if not, I am not one to proseltyze).

  7. Thank you, Bill and Sean. I truly appreciate both the words and sentiments.

  8. Hello all – this is Sam in Cambridge, and I can’t tell you how much the shoutout and support heartens me & my family.

    As you can imagine, I’ve been preoccupied lately & haven’t been checking my email with any regularity. My friend and local purveyor of comics, Matt, knew about my situation, and as we’d chatted about PAD earler in the day, dropped me a line recommending I check out the blog here. Little did I know that somehow word traveled from him to the man in charge here — a pleasant, meaningful surprise, indeed. Many thanks.

    For those who are interested, word on my father is relatively good: his condition improves with each day, to the point where I’ve been able to have clear, coherent phone conversations with him, and his doctors believe he may be able to move to the physical therapy/recovery wing of his hospital by the end of this week or the beginning of the next. My wife and I are flying down there Friday so we can be of help.

    A love of comics is one of the things that I share with my dad, and I was trying to think of some books to bring that could entertain him or maybe help with his recovery/therapy. After reading all of this, I’ll have to carry a copy of the first X-Factor trade. Thanks again, all.

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