Fallen Angel 6-10 review quotes needed

IDW is putting together the next “Fallen Angel” trade paperback and is looking for previously published reviews at established reviewing sites that can be used for pull quotes. Any reviewers who frequent this site care to submit theirs?


8 comments on “Fallen Angel 6-10 review quotes needed

  1. Links to the original reviews. I’m talking reviews in actual regular review venues (aintitcoolnews, that kind of thing) rather than individual comments from posters on various message boards.


  2. For my fellow Malibuvian and one of my favorite writers, I say:

    “Only Peter David could give us a mystical heroic woman who doesn’t seem like a Buffy or Wonder Woman homage and put her in a town that makes New Orleans seem tame in its atmosphere all in the same story. Fallen Angel’s a great ride that engages you and forces you to feel for the characters. Who says all the coolest heroes are men?”

    And you can put a cool dash in front of my name and say “Alan Kistler, writer/reviewer for MonitorDuty.com 🙂

    If you so wish, of course.

  3. What’s the deadline on this? I write for a small online magazine called The Collector Times, but our EIC only updates at the start of each month. I’ve got a full plate but I can manage.

  4. Dave’s Rant & Reviews (or whatever names he goes by these days) is the place all the hoity toity types go for their pull quotes.

    BTW, if you happen to do Cowboy Pete’s for Heroes and S60, can you split them for the spoilerphobic? (ok, for me…won’t get to heroes til 2nite:(

  5. The now defunct thefourthrail.com has a bunch of good things to say. Both critics are still active on other web sites.

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