Apparently X-Factor won a GLAAD award

Mike Weber informs me that X-Factor won a GLAAD media award for positive portrayal of lesbian and gay characters. The awards ceremony was last night in NY.

UPDATED March 21:: Have I mentioned how much I love automatic translation programs? Naturally I did a Google search to see how widespread reporting of the GLAAD awards was. This is from the AP wire service piece:

Nonelectronic media winners include The New York Times columnist Frank Rich and Peter David for his Marvel comic book “X-Factor.”

And this was from a web site in Hunan:

Nonelectronic media winners include The innovative York epoch contributor Frank Rich and Peter David intended for his Marvel comic tome X-Factor.


38 comments on “Apparently X-Factor won a GLAAD award

  1. Saw that you won the award on the BBC news site, and thought “hey, that’s pretty cool!”. I’ve always liked your intelligent protrayl of all your characters and their sexuality in X-Factor (never mind Rictor & Shatterstar’s getting it on, it’s all been about Rahne’s reactions for me! That, and the classic Monet-Siryn-Madrox & Madrox dupe affair 😉 )

    So anyway, I come to your website looking for a reaction, and I’m surprised that you seem to have heard about your win second-hand! Don’t they at least send you a letter or something? 🙂

  2. Apparently GLAAD didn’t bother to notify any comics-related news sites … but i bet every music, TV and journalism-related news site they could think of got press releases.
    Personally, if i were in charge of publicity at an organisation that handed out media-related awards, i’d at least try to let the winner know before i put the press release on line…
    (BTW – To all and sundry {the latter being people who duck out the back and come in again for more} the proper way to type my name is in all lower case; it dates back to 1972 and a typewriter with funky shifted keys…)

  3. Congrats! Even if they didn’t bother to let you know…
    Didn’t you win last year as well? Or were nominated? Or am I thinking of something entirely different?

    1. I think I was nominated last year, but didn’t win.
      As for press releases, it’s entirely possible GLAAD doesn’t even know about comics related websites. Regarding letting me know, well, how would they have done that, exactly? They don’t have my email address. They’ll doubtless let Marvel know, but nobody’s in the office until tomorrow.

      1. Ah. I assumed that, since they’d notified you of the fact that you were in the running,they must have had some way to contact you.
        So ComicMix is gonna scoop the rest of the comics press?

  4. Congratulations.

    Anything that highlights a fine book is good news to me.

    Really enjoyed last weeks issue btw.

  5. Hooray!
    I wish they could’ve informed you.
    Will you be getting some kind of trophy or plaque or anything?

    1. But are you going to subscribe to the Innovative York Epoch to read about the comic tomes?

  6. Congrats on the awards! If any comic book writer deserves it, it’s you, for sure.

    As for translated contents, that reminded me that some years ago I found an article about the TV series Angel that was in german. And all through the article, they translated Angel as “fishing rod”! That was pretty funny 🙂

  7. Congratulations!

    As a long-time fan of Rictor and a bisexual, I’ve truly enjoyed your handling of him in the book. It really is refreshing to see a bisexual character that is treated like any other person, that isn’t marginalized as uncertain, “experimenting”, or simply too šlûŧŧÿ to care. Even with Shatterstar’s newly discovered curiosity, it never felt like the stereotype. I don’t know, maybe because there’s something so earnest and innocent about it.

    So thank you. And keep up the amazing work.

    1. I really hope Rictor is bisexual, though. He seemed to imply last issue that he had been ‘confused’ and wasn’t anymore, which is a fairly standard trope I hope Mr. David can get around. I like X-Factor for its ability to surprise me and be different from other comics.
      Oh, uh, I mean, WOOO! PAD am winning again!
      No seriously, Peter, you deserve much praise, X-Factor’s probably the best comic I read.

  8. ITEM: Congrats, Mr. David. Who’d think that entertainment could be more than greatly entertaining? Keep up the great work!
    ITEM: Regarding your update… could have been worse. It might have been you and Bill O’Reilly associated…. eww.

  9. As an unfortunate reminder of how far we still have to go, ex-SNL star Victoria Jackson used the recent kiss on GLEE to attack gay marriage, gays in general, and the “liberall agenda”

    What amazes me is that the folks arguing, as she does, that the “gay agenda” discriminates and forces itself down our throats both puts the Christian religion in the minority (despite it being one of the world’s biggest religions, having every U.S. president be a member of their religion, being tax-exempt in the U.S., and have their weddings legally recognized) and ignoring its own explicitly-stated goal of converting people to their religion. As George Carlin said, “We don’t need a double standard. One standard will do just fine.”

    1. I was wondering who that (insert totally inappropriate language here) was.

      Every time I hear “gay agenda”, I flash back to my father ranting about it. Nothing is more funny than an unrepentant adulterer claiming that gays want to destroy the sanctity of marriage and do away with families.

      1. The only “gay agenda” I’ve been able to identify is that gay people generally prefer romantic association with members of their own sex. That’s the only coherent agenda. Feel free to spread that info around, it’s shocking stuff.

  10. Congratulations Peter! X-Factor is one favorite comics. And having such a diverse cast is great!

    You’ve also had cameo appearances by two of my favorite non X-Factor Marvel characters (Northstar & Dazzler)!

    Any chance of some Gen Xer’s too? Like Husk or Chamber? – would love to see them back with Monet. 😉

    Sorry for the rambling, this is my first post here!

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