Publicity Double Dipping

Remember how a month or so ago I reported that X-Factor won a GLAAD award? Well, apparently some sites just got wind of it. There was a second awards ceremony carried out in San Francisco a few days ago (as opposed to the one in New York in April) and it seems it was (re)announced there. So it’s being reported as if it just happened. This, of course, has given some fans the opportunity to extend their congratulations and the usual suspects the chance to spout off about it’s undeserved. So everyone’s happy.


23 comments on “Publicity Double Dipping

    1. I could, but I wasn’t going to go out of my way to steer people to places where people are trash talking me. Hëll, we can have that right here.

      1. ????? Who in the world would be trash-talking you on sites devoted to mentioning an award positive depictions of minorities? Does Fred Phelps frequent GLAAD’s site, or something.
        And speaking of your work, I thought I asked you this on another board, but I don’t know if it went through, because I don’t see it anywhere:
        I liked the final issue of Fallen Angel: Return of the Son. Should we take it that you’ve wrapped up the series for good? Or do you have some form in which it may conceivably continue. (I figured the former, but knowing how you always manage to reinvent characters and book premises…)

      2. Who in the world would be trash-talking you on sites devoted to mentioning an award positive depictions of minorities?
        Have you met the Internet?

      3. Luigi, if I won the Pulitzer Prize for literature, there are people who would use that event as an opportunity to talk about how the standards for what qualifies as literature have dramatically spiraled downward.

      4. PAD,
        Why, with all your success, do you still let people who “trash-talk” you bother you? I imagine the comments are juvenile, mean-spirited and petty – I don’t see you being upset over an honest, well thought out critique of your work – so why even remember they exist?
        Congratulations on your award again for the first time. You should feel proud of it – and you are as worthy as anyone else if not moreso.

  1. Next step: a GLaDOS award, for a positive portrayal of teleportation in comics.

      1. .
        I’m sorry, we’re all out of cake. We didn’t think there would be such a rush on it.

    1. Yes, but who do you take to the award ceremony, your wife, or your companion cube?

    2. I’d rather see the Turret Award. You remember those? They’re the pale spherical things that are filled with bullets. Oh… wait… That’s you in 5 seconds. Good Luck.

  2. Hey PAD, since you’ve got this X-Factor thread going, I wanted to ask a geek question about the recent issues.

    You had the villain-of-the-week shoot Guido in the chest with a super-bullet power and leave him with a bloody chest wound. You later had the same villain shoot Monet in the head with that power, but Monet got up within minutes and didn’t even have any blood on her face. Is Monet really that much more durable than Guido, especially as his durability is augmented by the fact that he sucks kinetic energy out of attacks against him?

    1. I’m pretty sure you’re misremembering. She fired at Monet in #218 but Monet seized the bullet with her TK power and sent it flying back. So it never struck her. She shot Rahne in #219, but it’s been established that Rahne is invulnerable while she’s pregnant. Ballistique’s bullets can penetrate anything on a mortal level, but Rahne is invulnerable on a god level, so it didn’t injure her.

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