“Darkness of the Light” now available as an eBook

We’re trying something a little different at Crazy 8: we’re rolling out “The Hidden Earth” books in progression.

For the first month, the electronic edition of “Hidden Earth: Darkness of the Light” will be available exclusively at Barnes & Noble via the Nook. You can find it here . As an incentive, it’s priced at $2.99 (since it’s reprinting previously published material.)

At the end of the first thirty days, we’ll be making it available through Amazon and as a trade paperback. At that point we will also be giving you the long-awaited sequel, “Height of the Depths.” Watch this space for further details.


19 comments on ““Darkness of the Light” now available as an eBook

  1. I already own the previous edition of Darkness of the Light, but will definitely order the second book when the print version becomes available.

  2. Sorry, PAD, but I’m sorta hijacking ye blog here for a good cause. You see, over here in NL, we have an action called 3FM Serious Request. It’s simple, you offer money to hear a record on the radio. They play your song and the money goes to the Red Cross. Alas, the site only comes in Dutch. But I’m still going put the link here.


    So, forget about the book…request a record !

    1. I’m not thrilled about the concept of someone deliberately hijacking a thread, even if they’re saying they’re sorry. Still, y’know…good cause…
      But my selling my books is a good cause as well, at least as far as I’m concerned, and your concluding line of “forget about the book” was, to me, uncalled for. You want to come on here and promote your own causes, fine; but I’m not not thrilled with your endeavoring to do so at my expense.

      1. Sorry….Didn’t mean to offend. I simply got carried away. This is a cause near and dear to my heart. I like I have said before, there are days I feel like civilization is a lie. And this action is one of the few moments that I feel that maybe, just maybe, we can change that.

  3. Can’t wait for the sequel. Having recently finished the first book (in paperback), I’m glad I waited so long to pick this one up. It would’ve been very frustrating not knowing when/if there would be a sequel. Glad the self-pub route lets you take creative control on this one.

  4. I’m not crazy about this Nook getting it early thing, as I have a Kindle. But I’m patient— I have plenty enough to read and play and whatnot in the meantime. I look forward to getting more of your books, one’s I’ve read and one’s I’ve yet to read, for my Kindle too. Thanks, PAD!

  5. PAD; it’s awesome that Height of the Depths is actually going to see the light of day. I can hardly wait. I love Darkness of the Light and have waited patiently for it’s sibling to come. I just dug it out to read again and stoke the fire in expectation of reading its sequel. You’re still the best PAD. Keep up your great works. As for Ruben, please forgive him. It should be obvious that he seriously needs to get out more.

  6. .
    I’ll have to wait for the Amazon sales to open before I get a few people I know to by it and I shall most assuredly be grabbing book 2 for myself when it comes out. Been a loooooonnnnnnngggggggg wait.

  7. Wow! I was surprised to see you left a comment on my blog, PAD. I thought you came across the blog online, and I figured out my post got caught through the comments above, but still, pretty cool, huh?
    I neglected to mention in my original post, since I wrote it before I had to go Christmas shopping and see Arthur Christmas today, but it is my intention to buy the eBook when it becomes available on Amazon. And if this exclusive thing you’re trying out works, all the better. My concern with exclusives is more that its hurting the audience and sales you guys make than the fact I’m not able to take advantage of an exclusive.
    BTW, how did the live Christmas comic story reading you mentioned on Facebook yesterday (http://t.co/rtn8xEdq) go? It sounds good and I wish I could go see it.

  8. Hmm. I took a look at the sample, and it looks like it’s a (poor) automated conversion of an MS Word document by Calibre. It’s better than The Camelot Papers was (which I’m 95% sure was an automated conversion from a Kindle book), but the code could still use a lot of cleanup.

    Is this production pipeline for the ePub versions still a work-in-progress (meaning future titles should be better), or is it pretty much “finished” after doing four titles to date?

    (I don’t know what you’re using to do page layout of the print versions – if it’s Word as well, then there’s not much Glenn or whoever can do short of manually editing the ebook’s HTML code. But if it’s a “real” program like InDesign, it might be able to spit out a better looking ePub than Calibre.)

  9. Since I own a Kindle, I’m disappointed by the Nook-first exclusive. But, I’m glad “Height of the Depths” is finally seeing the light of day.

    Any idea if/when the Apropos of Nothing books will be available for the Kindle?

  10. When I read the first book, and saw that it was going to be a trilogy, I wondered if the titles were going to be: The Darkness of the Light, The Wetness of Fire, and The Intelligence of George W. Bush. Then I realized that though PAD is a fantasy writer, even fantasy has limits.

  11. Hi Peter,

    Are there any plans to sell the ePub version through kobo.com after you’re done with the B&N exclusive?

    I recently got a Kobo Touch, absolutely love it, and I’m always looking out for new stuff to look at. Especially if they don’t cost as much as a normal paperback. 🙂

      1. Pity. Didn’t know that. Well, hoping it’ll be available in e-pub somewhere I can actually buy it. (While B&N uses Adobe e-pubs as well, they aren’t terribly useful to Canadians.)

    1. Or perhaps Narrowness of the Width, if you are keeping with the disparate extreme theme.

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